Purchasing an Aircraft

July 8, 2024

Is a Private Jet Faster Than a Commercial Jet?

Discover Key Benefits Of Finding the Right Used Private Jet For Sale - And What That Means For Your Business

If you’re considering the acquisition of a small jet, mid-size jet, or large private jet for sale, you have a great deal to consider. This is a significant undertaking, and one that could benefit your business life for years to come.

It is important to understand the full benefits that a private aircraft provides, so you know how much value this acquisition will provide. To help you through this process, we’ve answered three big questions that potential buyers ask when they are early in the acquisition process:

1. Is flying on a private jet faster than a commercial jet?

2. What other key benefits should I know about owning a private jet?

3. How do I find the right used private jet for my business?

Does a Private Jet For Sale Get You To Your Destination Faster?

The succinct answer is yes. When you acquire aprivate jet plane for sale, you’ll be able to reach your destination far more efficiently than if you choose to fly on a commercial jet.

However, it may not be for the reason you think. Private planes fly at an average cruising speed of 460 to 575 miles per hour (400 to 500 knots). When needed, a private plane like the Gulfstream G650ER can reach a top speed of 704 miles per hour (610 knots). Commercial planes have a similar average cruising speed; yet the fastest commercial planes fall below the maximum performance of private aircraft like the Gulfstream 650ER. For example, the Boeing 747, a commercial airliner, can reach 660 miles per hour (570 knots). That’s faster than most, but still not as fast as many top-of-the-line private aircraft.

Commercial planes and private planes aren’t drastically different when it comes to their cruising speed. However, there are additional reasons why your flight will ultimately be faster in a private aircraft:

  1. Direct routes: Private planes can take more direct routes that aren’t dependent on a commercial flight schedule that may include layovers.
  2. Smaller airports: Your private plane can take off from a smaller or private airport, allowing you to avoid the busy, congested major commercial airports where delays and cancellations are more frequent.
  3. Consider lift: Lift time is another factor that affects the speed of your flight. Private planes with a few passengers are able to get off the ground and up to cruising altitude faster because they do not have the same size and weight as a commercial plane filled with passengers and luggage.
  4. Fly at a moment’s notice: When you fly private, you don’t have to travel on a commercial schedule. Instead, choose a time that’s more convenient for you by acquiring a small jet, mid-size jet, or large private jet for sale. When you own your own plane, you could potentially fly hours earlier than the next available commercial flight to your desired destination. Your plane and a commercial aircraft may cruise at similar speeds, but getting there hours earlier, on your schedule, is a major difference.

What Are the Other Key Benefits of Acquiring a Used Private Jet For Sale?

Choosing to purchase a businessjet plane for sale doesn’t only decrease your travel time. Those who own private aircraft have discovered that there are several other features that make this form of travel far more rewarding and valuable. These include:

Comfort: When you purchase a private jet, you get to enjoy a factory interior that is often better appointed than your typical commercial cabin. You can also make optional interior upgrades to enjoy your flights even more. What’s more, you won’t have to worry about unruly passengers, elbow and leg room, or any of the other downsides of packing 100 or more people into an airliner.

Collaboration: Many private jet owners recognize that when they begin traveling on a private aircraft, the cabin becomes a space where work among team members can continue, as opposed to commercial airlines where your seating is spaced out and there’s no room for discussion with so many other passengers nearby.

Health: When you fly private, there’s no need to worry about the countless passengers who may be sick. Flying on a small jet, mid-size jet or large private jet for sale gives you the opportunity to limit passengers to those who are healthy, and even include additional air quality measures for your cabin.

Branding: The ability to invite guests - such as potential clients - aboard your private aircraft instantly elevates your business’s brand image by demonstrating your exclusivity and taste.

Security: Traveling with a trusted, small team gives you peace of mind by knowing exactly who is allowed aboard your aircraft.

How Do You Find a Used Private Jet For Sale?

Jet owners should do their due diligence when searching for a small jet, mid-size jet, or large private jet for sale. To find the plane that best suits all of your needs for private travel, you want access to plenty of inventory and a transparent and equitable acquisition process.

To ensure a fair and honest process, work with an aircraft dealer who is governed by a code of ethics that establishes best practices for how they interact in the private jet marketplace. Also ensure this resource provides access to a range of manufacturers and models, so you can keep your eye on multiple jets for sale.

Private jet travel can elevate your business to new heights, so choosing wisely is absolutely essential. The following resources will help you continue to understand the private jet market and what to expect after you’ve found the ideal jet plane for sale:

How to Monitor the Private Jet Market

How to Find a Private Jet That Suits Your Needs

The Latest Private Jet News In 5 Quick Reads