Considerations for Buying an Aircraft

April 1, 2024

Deciding on an Aircraft for Sale Before 2025 Requires Your Immediate Attention

Understand the Risks of Losing Out on a Private Aircraft Acquisition This Year

When acquiring a significant asset for your business, you know that making decisions about when to move forward and when to hold back can be time-consuming. You also know that waiting too long to answer an important business question can potentially lead to inaction and missed opportunities.

If you’re considering the purchase of a used private aircraft from an InternationalAircraft Dealers Association (IADA) Accredited Dealer, the risks of indecision are real. However, the availability of economic models, data, and analyses about today’s marketplace can provide you with enough information to make a measured determination, so you can feel confident that your purchase was wisely timed.

This is a prime year to buy a personal aircraft for sale at, and waiting until next year may hinder your business progress as demand grows for this valuable acquisition.

The Competitive Advantages of Taking Flight Now

If you’ve been keeping tabs on the many benefits of purchasing a used private aircraft for your business, you know that these advantages go into effect as soon as you take your first flight. You’re likely aware that choosing to travel in a private aircraft provides the flexibility, reliability, and privacy that your business requires now. The ability to avoid commercial airlines, collaborate as a team while in air, and meet clients at a moment’s notice is invaluable for businesses that want to differentiate themselves from their competitors.

However, the jet market’s yearly growth indicates that your competitors are going to take advantage of these same benefits soon - if they haven’t already. The continued demand for personal aircraft for sale suggests that more and more businesses, including your competitors, understand the value of owning a corporate jet. They also know that a private jet provides more than just tangible benefits. Corporate jet ownership is also a valuable tool for your brand, positioning it as a global player and impressing clients.

With each year that passes, a jet purchased through an IADA Accredited Dealer on becomes more normalized than ever. The question businesses should ask themselves is whether they want to capitalize on the rewards of private air travel when they can still distinguish themselves as cutting-edge and capable of scaling their business globally now, or if they should wait until private jet ownership is merely the status quo.

Visit to begin the acquisition process today. Search by jet size, or browse by popular manufacturers and models to find a superior used private aircraft for your business.

Current Markets Indicators About Aircraft for Sale in 2024

Demand appears to be resilient, even in the face of an election year. A wide range of market analyses on the private aircraft industry chart an upward trend. One analysis from Fortune Business Insights predicts that the global jet market will grow from 2023’s $43.97 billion to $62.66 billion in 2030. If there is market uncertainty during this election year, it will rebound.

Many industries experience uncertainty during election cycles as businesses grow more hesitant about their investments. However, IADA recently reported in Aviation Week that election years don’t always tamp down demand, as business aviation was only affected twice out of the last five election cycles. This tracks with Mordor’s and other market intelligence firms’ reports that demand will push upward, even throughout this year and into the next.

High demand creates a more favorable market for sellers. This means that if demand continues to increase, this year may be the best time to capitalize on purchasing a jet that meets your specifications at a price point that makes sense for your business. Next year, you’ll not only find yourself in the ring with more of your competitors, but also with less leverage than before.

Don’t Wait to Capitalize on a Known Difference-Maker

Waiting to acquire a personal aircraft for sale from an IADA Accredited Dealer on delays the many advantages that this asset can provide for your business now.

Get ahead of demand increases and the competition as you scale your business with a private aircraft. Make the most of global opportunities on a flexible flight schedule, while traveling in privacy with a group of colleagues.

Visit now to acquire the aircraft that meets your business’s requirements. If you take strategic action, you can experience the new year in your corporate jet, not on the ground still deliberating the pros and cons.